Reclaim Your Confidence

Expert Tummy Tuck Solutions

Dr Gandolfi performs a variety of tummy tucks, depending on the needs of his client. These can include the mini tuck, a lipoabdominoplasty, an extended abdominoplasty, and the drainless tummy tuck he is best known for. Even within these categories, each style of tummy tuck is customized to meet the needs of the patient.

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Excellence in Tummy Tuck Procedures

Dr Gandolfi has crafted his unique approach to the tummy tuck over years of practice. His training spanned the United States and post-training he has dedicated himself to acquiring and applying a unique set of techniques designed to maximize comfort and results while minimizing scarring. His knowledge of the procedure led him to write “The Expert Guide to Tummy Tucks.”

Specifically, core components of every tummy tuck performed by Dr Gandolfi include:
  • General anesthetic modifications to improve recovery
  • Pre-cut numbing medication designed to treat pain before it starts
  • Post-surgical long-acting numbing medication to keep things comfortable
  • Advanced liposuction techniques designed to maintain a natural look
  • Progressive tension sutures to maintain results without garments and massages
  • Lymph node sparing techniques to improve healing and allow for drainless techniques
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  • A custom belly button technique to hide the scar
  • A focus on the contour transition from the abdomen to the pubic area
  • Intra-operative medications designed to minimize hematoma/postoperative bleeding
  • Blood thinners to minimize blood clots postoperativel
  • Preoperative and postoperative bowel regimens
  • A multi-modal pain control regimen to minimize narcotics and expedite recovery
Drainless tummy tuck patient

Our Services

Standard Abdominoplasty
The Drainless Tummy Tuck

The signature tummy tuck of Dr Gandolfi is his drainless tuck, which is the best procedure for 75 percent of his clients. The procedure starts with one of our board-certified anesthesiologists putting the client to sleep. After this, the entire abdomen is infused with numbing medication to prevent pain before it starts. Next, fat is removed and the skin is elevated using VASER ultrasonic technology and MicroAire power assisted liposuction technology.

The Skinny Tummy Tuck

Perhaps the most difficult tummy tuck is the skinny tuck! While you might expect this to be easier, the lack of fat to contour and hide sutures makes this procedure more difficult. The skinny tuck is generally a variation of the drainless tummy tuck, but may differ from above if the patient has minimal extra skin. In these cases,a small lower incision is made and the belly button is left attached to the skin. With this technique,a full diastasis repair can be performed

umbilical float
mini tuck
The Mini Tuck

The mini-tuck describes a skin excision under the belly button. This can be paired with liposuction to provide a result that can mimic a traditional tummy tuck without the scars and recovery in the right individual. This works best for someone that does not have a lot of extra skin or a large diastasis/abdominal bulge.

The Extended Tuck

For those patients with extra skin that wraps around the sides of the abdomen but not the back, an extended tuck is the right option. Although a larger incision is required than a standard abdominoplasty, the proper amount of excess skin is removed and prevents the need for additional procedures on the sides.

extended abdominoplasty
extended abdominoplasty
The Lower Body Lift

When the extra skin is not confined to the front of the abdomen but instead wraps around the client to the hips and lower back, a lower body lift can be used to remove all the excess skin at a single time. This extra skin can be common in someone that has lost a significant amount of weight. With this surgery, the abdominoplasty incision extends from the front to the back, riding the hips and upper butt to get the right contours. All incisions hide easily within underwear.

Patient Testimonials

“Dr. Gandolfi’s bedside manner is outstanding with the comfort he gives you. Everything is in detail and he calls you the same night after surgery.”

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the expert guide to tummy tucks

Brad M Gandolfi MD

The Expert Guide To Tummy Tucks

all consults receive a free copy of Dr Gandolfi’s book.

Get In Touch

To find out more about liposuction, schedule a consultation with Dr. Gandolfi.

Manhattan Office

25 5th Ave Suite 1F New York, NY 10003

New Jersey Office

30 North Dean Street Englewood, NJ 07631